⚠️ 5 Things Your Doctor Should Have Told You About Type-2 Diabetes... 🛑
⚠️ 5 Things Your Doctor Should Have Told You About Type-2 Diabetes... 🛑
5 Things Your Doctor Should Have Told You About Diabetes
There is a lot of misinformation surrounding Type One and Type Two Diabetes, and even worse, many have no idea how to improve it or reverse their Type Two Diabetes radically. Many diabetic patients are completely unaware of the inner workings of their condition, not referring to understanding diabetes at a doctoral level, but understanding the inner workings of their own bodies going through a condition that they experience in a situation where they need to be able to manage it.
The misinformation and lack of information that should be mentioned at the time of diagnosis are detrimental to the patient and should be a crime. The information that we are about to share with you is life-changing. Looking at family lineage and seeing that mom, dad, brother, and sister have it, therefore leading to the assumption that it runs in the family, is NOT enough. It’s time for us to break the cycle.
(1) Your doctor should have told you the difference between Type One and Type Two diabetes.
Type One and Type Two Diabetes should not be used for the same conditions because they're almost 180 degrees indifferent to the actual condition itself. What’s the difference?
Type one diabetes
- An autoimmune condition
o This means that this is something that you were born with, not inherited
- Weight maintenance
o You'll also start to notice that it's tough to gain weight, keep weight, and keep losing weight.
- Urine
o TypeOne urine will urinate outside on the ground, and there will be a collection of ants around the urine. And that's because the sugar was literally in the urine; the glucose was literally in the urine. This sweet urine that the ants are attracted to is a tell-tale sign of Type One Diabetes.
- Insulin
o WithType One Diabetes, you do not have insulin; therefore, injecting insulin can save your life.
Type two diabetes
- A lifestyle condition
o There were certain habits that you had in your life that created this condition, such as your eating habits increasing your glucose so high that your pancreas had to secrete a lot of insulin to bring that glucose down.
- Insulin
o Withinsulin levels remaining high for so long consistently, that is how you became resistant to insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is designed to be secreted in a burst, and it is not designed to be a hormone that is just sustained throughout the day.
o WithType Two Diabetes, you have insulin.
(2) Your doctor should have told you the correct information regarding your diet
As per doctor's orders, many of you are eating several times a day, and the suggested frequency is every two to three hours, which amounts up to six times per day. Eating keeps glucose up, which keeps insulin up. Drinking keeps glucose up, which keeps the insulin up. This isn’t just doctor’s orders but the advice of health care providers, dietitians, trainers, and more. This is the perfect recipe to keep your insulin levels high, making you insulin dominant, ultimately making you insulin resistant, which is the foundation for type-two diabetes, prediabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure.
(3) Your doctor should have broken down how insulin functions in the body
So now, if you have insulin, but at the same time you're being given medications to increase your insulin, or you are actually injecting insulin, you're going to increase your resistance to insulin. It's going to become one of those perpetual cycles where you get to the point where you need 30 units and then 40units and then 50 and 60, 80, 100. Insulin is a storage hormone. Its job is to store nutrients. In addition to it being a storage hormone, it will also inhibit lipolysis. If you're constantly eating, you're constantly injecting insulin to deal with your glucose; you’re gaining more weight, and you're stopping the breakdown of fat because based on the insulin, we're instructing our bodies to hold on to the fat and gain more fat. This is something that should have been broken down to you in the beginning.
(4) Your doctor should have told you when you were first diagnosed as being a Type Two Diabetic that it is reversible
Telling patients that Type Two diabetes runs in their family is learned helplessness, and this is what the system is doing. Type Two Diabetes is not something that is running in your family. If we're talking about Type One, then, yes, that makes sense that certain things would make you more likely to become type One Diabetic based on your genetics, but Type One Diabetes and Type TwoDiabetes are very different. Type One is an autoimmune condition that is improved with the use of insulin. Type Two is brought on based on lifestyle, which could have been prevented based on your lifestyle. You are your first doctor. You have to take ownership of your health. You have to take ownership of your condition.
(5) Your doctor should have told you when you were initially diagnosed as being a Type Two Diabetic that medications don’t work
As far as keeping blood sugar in a tight range, the overall outcome pertains to the complications, which are blindness, kidney disease leading to dialysis, stiffening of the arteries, which leads to strokes, high blood pressure, heart attack, neuropathy, gangrene, amputations, all of those things. You can be as strict as you want to, but it does not take you out of the race to leading down that road of complications when it comes to diabetes. Why? Because the medications don't do anything for the foundational reason, you have diabetes. Medication does not stop you from eating processed foods, stop you from drinking sugary drinks, stop you from not working out, or stop eating around the clock. These medications are simply a symbolic victory that makes you feel good while you’re dying inside. The side effects are not worth it, and they are not directly solving the issues at hand.
If you want to actually have a do-it-yourself program that guides you through what you need to be doing daily to prevent diabetes and reverse diabetes, be sure to sign up for the Done with Diabetes Six-Point Action Plan. This is a video-based program and course that comes with a workbook where we walk you through the daily habits and the recommendations on which need to be doing daily to reverse Type two diabetes. This is a plan with a 90 percent success rate as it pertains to reversing Type two diabetes. While we highly recommend all of our resources, we recommend the Done with Diabetes book and the Done with Diabetes Six-Point Action Plan.