The game is to make you think that their ice is colder. The game is to get you to worship their accolades, degrees, and certifications. The game is To make you feel low in knowledge and confidence about diseases that were actually created, by the same system that will now manufacture the lifelong treatment. The game is to actually get people to believe that they are destined to be sick and that these things just run in your family. The game is a multilayered system of subtle seductive abuse, that many have no idea is taking place, while still feeling the essence of blunt force trauma taking place.
Their ice is not colder. In fact, it's not even real ice; it's fisher price plastic ice, that's why it's not melting. However, you have been convinced to throw away your ice for theirs. And we wonder why our drinks are so warm.
Self Care should be your primary care, not a health care system that was designed to keep you sick, but not too sick, but right there is that sweet spot sick.
Get knowledge of self! Learn health defense, which is basic anatomy and physiology. Stop drinking their Kool-aid of authority; it's laced with lean. Connect with your ancestor's traditional ways of life, they knew better. Eat real whole foods, drink water, move more and get back to the art of fasting.
👉🏿 FASTING is 👑 FASTING is my Gospel 🙏🏿