I just finished doing a live video about "Questioning and Challenging" the official health recommendations that so many people are given, all while not seeing any real result, but still paying for it.
In this video, I also challenge why so many of us are afraid to demand results and progress for the products and services we are paying for. In this case, I am explicitly referring to Insurance, co-pay, medications, and Practitioners.
Lastly, I wrap it up by making a very bold statement. By joining our TFL28 Challenge, You will receive more empowerment, education, long-standing results, and overall health improvement than most will receive in a year of working with their PCP for a chronic condition. There is NO reason that I should be able to make this claim; however, unfortunately, the results speak for itself.
Right now, in this country, we are challenging the Justice system, we are Demanding Results, and we are Pushing Back against the official story because it has never worked, nor was it designed to.
We shouldn't stop here; we should keep it going because of trust and believe that MILLIONS are being abused by this health care system as well. The Fast Life 28-Day Challenge has become the Ultimate Push Back to the Official Story that, diseases just runs in your Family.
Watch the video to get the full context of what I'm talking about, but just know that you deserve more, and you deserve better.
Lastly, If you would like to learn more about our approach and how Fasting can radically improve your health, be sure to check out our "The FAST Life 28-Day Challenge"
Our Fasting members are getting radical health improvements including lowering their blood pressure and blood sugar, losing weight as well as decreasing and even getting off of medications, so don’t miss out. The FAST Life 28 Challenge